Page 2 - Anuario 2021
P. 2

A new beginning: the

                            sky's the limit!!!!!

        Before  all  of  the  pandemic  your                       Perhaps  through  all  you  have

        schedules  were  stretched  very                         experienced  you  have  a  stronger

        thin.  You  were  going  from  place                     sense of what you want to do in life
        to place, sitting in traffic and using                   now? Remember you do not all have

        lots  of  valuable  time.  Then  when                    to  take  the  same  path  to  be

        everything  was  canceled,  you                          successful.    Just  make  sure  you

        were  given  the  time  to  sit  back                    consider  how  you  will  use  what
        and  ask  yourself  questions  like                      matters  in  service  to  yourself,  your

        what  do  i  care  about,  what  is                      community and the world and have

        most  meaningful  and  how  do  i                        passion  in  what  you  choose,
        make the most impact.                                    keeping in mind that sometimes the

                                                                 best  way  to  give  back  is  to  keep
        As uncertainty swirred around us                         working towards your goal.


        **you stayed focused!                                    Officially  stepping  out  towards  a
        **you adapted your learning                              world far different to how we once

        **you finished your assignments                          perceived  it,  it  is  critical  that  you

         **you passed your tests                                 learn  to  be  at  peace  with  the

        **you supported one another                              discomfort  of  stepping  into  the
        **you gutted and gritted it out                          unknown.  It  is  really  okay  not  to

        even when the end seemed out of                          have  all  the  answers.  Oprah  once

        reach!                                                   said:

        Your  senior  year  has  provided                        The  answers  will  come  for  sure  if

        context  and  opportunities  for                         you  can  accept  not  knowing  long

        reflection.  It  has  made  you  think                   enough and to get still and stay still
        more  about  the  world  and  your                       long  enough  for  new  thoughts  to

        place in it as well as your purpose.                     take  root  in  your  more  quiet,

                                                                 deeper, truer self.
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