Page 13 - Revista Original
P. 13

“Creativity involves breaking with established
                                                                         patterns, to look at things differently.”

                                                                                                         Edward de Bono

                  Spirit Week

                                                              By Paula Cojón and Raquel Acevedo

            During  the  year,  the  most  anticipated  week  has  always  been  "Spirit  Week,"  where  all

            students can put their creativity to work with fun and colorful outfits. This has been
            part of the CAS family tradition year after year. The most important purpose of these

            weeks  is  that  students  can  get  out  of  their  comfort  zone.  Often  having  so  many

            responsibilities creates stress, a bad mood, and bad eating habits, so having a change like
            the "spirit week" encourages students and gives them a small opportunity to create an
            outfit based on the theme of the days as suggested by the school.

           This  is  something  uncommon  in  other

           Guatemalan  institutions  as  most  do  not  do
           any type of activities related to the theme

           of  "Spirit  Week".  It  is  a  custom  of  the

           United States where they have this week in

           the days before a big sports game. Part of
           the  spirit  of  American  institutions  is  that

           their students can dress in different ways to             To be part of Colegio Americano del Sur

           demonstrate  sports  and  educational  spirit.            is  to  have  an  interactive  education  and
           Despite  being  well  known  in  that  country,           with  sufficient  resources  to  train

           our  school  has  used  it  differently,  so  that        professionals,  creating  students  with

           everyone can enjoy it equally, not just those             ethics and values that they can develop
           who like sports.                                          beyond     simply     delivering    jobs   and


                                                                      “Every day is super special and you have
                                                                      to  wear  your  costume  to  impact

                                                                      others” (Raquel Acevedo)

       Colegio Americano del Sur                                    7955-2800
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