Page 9 - Revista Original
P. 9

The Volleyball Jaguars Team of Colegio Americano del Sur is a

                                           team that was founded spontaneously.  After several training
                                           sessions, there a special bond formed between the players and

                                           each  began to  learn from  others  while  getting  to  know  each
                                           other better.

              "The nerves of playing in an
             international         championship

             were  immense.  We  did  the

             best  we  could;  it  was  a very

             enriching  experience,  and  each

             of    us    improved       greatly."
             (Sebastián Villafuerte)

           American schools from all the countries  of Central America participate in the AASCA
           tournaments.  Here  students  learn  a  lot  about  cultures  and  sports  values,  as  well  as

           have the opportunity to compete at a higher level.

            “I have participated twice in this tournament in football and volleyball and I can say
           that it is an experience that marks your life completely. The experience of participating

                                                                  represent  my  school  and
           in the tournament gives me the opportunity to
                                                     my  country;  it  gives  me  satisfaction

                                                     and  personal  growth;  and  it  allows  me

                                                     to  make  my  parents  proud.  It  is  an
                                                     extracurricular  activity  that  gives  me

                                                     credits  to  apply  for  a  student

                                                     (Fernando Castillo)
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